Sunday, July 15, 2007

walls that separate people

It looks like walls are the current fashion. First Israel in order to isolate the Palestinian community and now the US to isolate themselves from Mexico. However you look at this the answer is not in building walls. People will always find ways to jump over, dig under, or break walls. And walls generate resentment towards the side which builds them, that is then seen as an oppressor (with good reason, I must add).

The solution is not to force people to be apart but to tackle the social problems that cause civil unrest in Palestine and people to cross the US-Mexico border illegally. Once you eliminate the actual, social, origin of the problem you will never have to build a wall again. And your own society will be enriched in the process.

Of course it is much easier to build walls and pretend the problems lie only in your neighboring country. Of course it is easier to ignore that we all have a social responsibility. And the solution to this problems is far from simple. But we must try. Otherwise we are no better than wild animals fighting for territory. Worse, in fact, because we do not eve fight for survival but financial gain and cultural isolation. We should be better than that.


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