Monday, June 25, 2007

blame the wine....

ok, this is my question to you...

when was the last time you had pure, unadultered fun?


No, that doesn't count. I mean of the kind you are so barely aware the world is still ticking around you that you don't care. A...ha... girlfriends/boyfriends not invited. One level beyond that. The moment when you start thinking smoking is a good idea even though you don't do that. Even dancing! Oh God, Life might be fun after all... Ok...

Hmmm... That may be the difference between southern european countries and the rest. We know know how to do that. We know how to have fun and ignore the shite that flies around. Music, alcohol, and suddenly the world makes sense and the moment you live in is the only one that matters.

What's your race? I don't care as long as you are dancing to the same tune that I am... What's your religion? Oh. Sorry, what was that?Oh, I see. But you're dancing, ain't you? So... We all cool and that? Ok...

Nevermind, the 007 movie is over and I am listening to some good Ana Free music in YouTube and thinking of my friends back home. I seriously owe this girl for her music. I wish I could play guitar like she does. Pipo and Co. I miss you brothers... Everyone takes himself too frigging' seriously here... Wish I was there with you guys. It's the wine, definitely....

By the way, since only drunks tell the truth and A. will read this at some stage, I'll say this:

A. : First thing that comes into my mind when I am truly happy is you. I close my eyes and all I see is you. Sometimes I can be a geeky asshole, but I love you. Please, please, never forget that. You are my world.

Mr. C


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